
Project Management
Personality Development
HR Management
Sales & Marketing
Software Engineering
Quality Assurance
Primavera & MS Project

Myth: Project Management starts after starting the execution of projects

Reality: Project Management starts right from the Project Concept Stage itself & good projects would typically consume 40-60% of the project time in Project Initiation & Planning itself. The 5 process areas of professional Project Management are:
a) Initiation
b) Planning
c) Execution
d) Measurement & Control
e) Closing



In a Competitive world, organizations are constantly looking for opportunities in the form of new products, new ventures, new markets, expansion of the existing facilities, etc. and in the process of dealing with these issues, organizations are required to master the good practices of Project Management. Organizations are realizing that it is very important to follow good management practices to achieve the goals of projects undertaken by them. It is imperative that projects are managed to win the confidence of stake holders, realize efficiency and effectiveness in all phases of the projects and to improve the life cycle utility of the projects.

A systematic approach to plan, design, execute and control various activities of all the phases of a project to achieve the goal of organizational excellence consistently. Many organizations like Delhi Metro have benefited tremendously by managing their projects effectively and at the same time, there are also many organizations which failed to make use of the opportunities presented to them, mainly because of their inability to manage their projects effectively.

Project Management Trainings:

  • Project Planning & Management (PPM)
  • Primavera P3
  • Primavera P6
  • MS Project 2003
  • MS Project 2007
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) Exams Preparation

A successful Project Manager must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a project: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope while maintaining best quality. All these elements are interrelated. Each must be managed effectively. All must be managed together with the other key areas like Risk & Communication, if the project, and the project manager, is to be a success.

  • Resources
    People, equipment, material
  • Time
    Task durations, dependencies, critical path
  • Money
    Costs, contingencies, profit
  • Scope
    Project size, goals, requirements